Monday, October 12, 2009

A Man in Woman's Clothing

One of my duties in a Surgical Ward is to prepare patients for surgery. There was a woman dressed in a green, flowery dress that I was instructed to go help.

I grabbed a theatre gown, went into the cubicle and closed the curtains. "Amanda, I'm just going to help prepare you for theatre, let's get you dressed into your theatre gown first." So, la da dee dee da, I'm busy daydreaming about what job has the best pay, when I notice her covering herself awkawrdly. Suddenly, everything started adding up.. The deep voice. The lilting gait. The 5 o' clock shadow. The inability to walk in heels. And then I saw it. Major penis. (She, umm, I mean he, would have had a rough time at an all-girl boarding school with that penis.)



  1. So what was he worried about?

  2. "Hmmmm, there's something not right here; I just can't put my finger on it" swiftly followed by the realisation that you don't want to put your finger on it...
