Friday, October 16, 2009

Maggots for Breakfast?

I once had to change an old man's nappy, before transferring him to a different ward. So, I take off the dirty nappy and open his legs to wipe him and I see holes in his 'gooch' area opening up - they must have been about 4cm deep and I could see into him. That's generally not a good thing, what with all the TB, sputum, vomit and crap found in a Medical ward.

I opened his legs wider to further inspect whatever damage was present and maggots started running out of the holes and started going everywhere. I gagged. I went to call the Sister-in-charge and she tells me, "Just close him up with a new nappy and take him to the other ward." I do as told by my senior.

In the other ward, I informed the staff about the maggots. Their jaws dropped and I swifty got the hell out of there before they could change their minds about accepting the patient.

I now wish you all a very pleasant breakfast, lunch or supper. x


  1. That may well be the foulest, most noisome story I've ever heard! Gag!

  2. haha. awesome. personally i would have just put a pillow over it. keep writing. im enjoyin this shiznat

  3. Pics? :(
    Thats just disgusting. :(
    I feel sick just reading it.
    But I still want pics. :(
